5 Simple Safety Tips for the Pool Area

Would you believe drowning tops as a common cause of preventable death among kids? In Western Australia, this unfortunate occurrence accounts for the most deaths among children up to the age of five. Near-drowning incidents, on the other hand, are also high, accounting for ten for every one drowning-related death.

Drowning incidents are not just limited to the ocean or at beaches. Did you know these occurrences are very common in swimming pools? It could happen in one’s home or at the neighbor’s, if not at a commercial establishment with pools.

Fortunately, these tragic events can be avoided. It all starts by understanding the potential risks and dangers that could arise in or around the pool area. Even with simple prevention methods, these incidents can be averted.

Here are some tips to significantly lower the likelihood of accidents in the pool.

Having a Lifeguard at the Pool Area

A lifeguard on duty is a practical solution to avert drowning-related incidents. Aside from his or her ability to swim and rescue, it is also important to have life-saving equipment nearby. A life hook, rescue tube, and resuscitation devices are also essential in order to save someone who is in trouble during swimming.

However, lifeguards and their devices may not be available at all times. A child could sneak in or around the pool area during the lifeguard’s absence. This brings us to the next tip.

Get Swimming Lessons

Drown-proofing your children at an early age is a critical part of parenting. This is especially true if you frequent beaches or pools. Swimming lessons can teach your children the ability to stay afloat until they reach to the shallow end or until help arrives.

For your peace of mind, enroll your children and have them learn how to swim. It is a worthy investment that can save their lives.

Frequent Inspection of the Pool Area

Pool owners should have the habit of inspecting the pool area for potential dangers. A missing screw or a tiny crack can cause accidents, leading to injuries or even death.

For starters, always keep the pool chemicals away from the children. When ingested or inhaled, these substances can be harmful. Inspect for slip hazards as well to reduce the likelihood of falls or other accidents.

Proper Observance of Pool Safety Rules

Safety should be the top priority for everyone in or around the pool area. A small mishap may result in devastating consequences, especially when there are babies and toddlers around.

It is important to teach the children the value of keeping safe in the pool area. No pushing, no jumping, and no rough play are just some of the basic safety regulations to observe.

Setting Up Pool Barriers

For safety reasons, there are instances when unsupervised children should be kept out of the pool area. By putting a barrier, drowning-related accidents can be greatly avoided. Certain jurisdictions may also require pool fences.

This is logical since you can’t have lifeguards or life-saving devices at all times. When the pool is closed, it is crucial to keep the kids out to prevent any unfortunate incident.

For this reason, glass pool fences are great barrier options. They look stylish and elegant. And contrary to misconception, glass pool fences are actually durable and long-lasting.

If you want to learn more about glass pool fences, get in touch with Craftsman Fencing.

By | 2019-02-11T02:33:52+08:00 February 2nd, 2019|News, Tips|
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